Friday, March 12, 2010

Widow's Peak (Mont Blanc)

Deranged excitement of the repeated track.
Fair to say 300 times yesterday?

Grass Widow: To Where

Have Eet

Beware the geodesic Grass Widow.

This exquisite/scurvy-esque feeling captured awfully well this past Sunday by Laurent Brancowitz, high-haired Phoenix guitarist, D'Angelo disciple, recent NYT interviewee.

Q: Do you think of your own music as romantic?
MR. BRANCOWITZ: Actually, yes. I think there's maybe one theme in our music, and it's something like romantic abandon. We call that teenage abandon, that kind of anxiety and abandon that you enjoy.
Q: How do you hold on to that as adults?
MR. BRANCOWITZ: It's not hard. I mean, it's not related to age -- I say teenage because it's something you experience with the most force when you are young. You know this emotion you have when you see a movie that's so beautiful or you hear a piece of music that sounds perfect? It's this kind of anxiety and joy. So it's very easy, actually. You just have to see the right piece of art.
Full Article

Next flight to De Gaulle?

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