Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ron Nagle: Shameless Punner, Clay Form Stunner



A number of small sculptural reliefs (stage sets, really) and three preparatory drawings. The air-brushed mind in perpetual reveal. Bummer that his recent CCA talk was some pappy bullshitter, fuck-you-if-you-use-your-brain kinda stuff. Brought up his dad, that a-hole, round about 13 times. Dude's got an ax to grind with anybody who wants to talk about it. What a Bay Area shame. DOING IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT (modest/proud) doesn't mean you have to play dumb. That's kid stuff, Rondo.

Miraculous, however, that this is the recent work (b. 1939). Old dog, rad tricks.

Thin Fin, 1994
Knights of Franconia, 2008
Little Egypt, 2005
Johnny Cakes, 2008
Untitled 5, dunno
Untitled 8, dunno
Untitled 12, dunno

More Cups.
Interview with Bill Berkson you don't need to read.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Super Harvest Moon

"FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALMOST 20 YEARS..." (click this jammer)
Auspicious lease-signing day, I'm thinking.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


m. nordman titles via j. roloff collection (unparalleled)
the three of us had lunch at greens (hilarious)
she wants to "enact" a book with his students (won't explain further)

But really. To give this writing a particular time.
The implications, slumbering present-tenses, hands hold.

Saturday, September 4, 2010